I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener”. John 15 v 1

I don’t know about you but I am not much of a gardener! I should therefore take comfort when I read this verse and learn that in a spiritual sense that is not what is required of me! Knowing our role and responsibilities is an important aspect of our lives. Unfortunately many Christians today are carrying burdens they were never designed to carry. Trying to be something they were never designed to be. I love the fact that in John 15 Jesus addresses this with his disciples, he makes it crystal clear for them moving forward what their role is, and what part they will play in this beautiful relationship into which they are being woven.

So what is the significance of the vine and what did it mean to the Jews? God repeatedly used a vine as a symbol of His people in the Hebrew Scriptures. We find it in Psalm 80:8, “You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it”. Israel was called as a type of vine that would supply the life, knowledge and fruit of God to the surrounding nations. The disciples would have been very familiar with this image. Everywhere you walked in ancient Israel you would have found vines growing but more importantly there was a large golden vine which was set as a prominent decoration on the front of the temple. This conveyed the idea that Israel was God’s vine. However, as we know from scripture Israel failed to fulfill it’s calling.

You see man cannot produce fruit in his own strength. This is why we read in John 15 as Jesus addresses his disciples in the upper room that he reveals himself as, “the TRUE vine.” He is showing his disciples that their lives need to be rooted in him, not in a religious system, not in the law and the rule keeping but in their belief in Him. He is their source of life. It’s such a beautiful metaphor that he gives them on the very last night that they speak together. It’s a picture of connection. A picture of dependence. He wanted them to know that he wasn’t going to desert them. Even though they would no longer enjoy his physical presence, His spiritual reality would be tangible to them. They would know his living energy nourishing and sustaining them. He was the vine…they were the branches.

He also shows them the intimate relationship between Himself and the Father. God the Father is presented as the One who cultivates and manages the vine. Caring and nurturing, protecting and ensuring everything that is needed for life to flourish is provided for. What an incredible picture to start the day with. We are intimately connected to Jesus. We draw everything that we need from him. He waters us, feeds us and nourishes us. He makes sure that the conditions in our life are suitable for growth. We are firmly anchored in the soil of the Father’s love and he is watching over us to ensure that we will thrive and bear fruit. Plants don’t wake up everyday and think about how they are going to water themselves! They simply drink from the supply that is freely poured out on them.

Why are we spending our time worrying about trying to achieve and make our way in this life. Stay connected to him and trust that when you are connected to the vine you will be fruitful!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

