Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live”. John 14 v 19

One of the kid’s leaders in church shared this story with us – She used to visit her granny each week on a Saturday and they would go to the shops together. She loved going with her because she would always let her sneak a treat into the trolley! They would come home; she would make their favourite lunch and they would get all cosy on the sofa and watch movies. She loved her so much and had so much fun. This was always her favourite day of the week and she was always sad when it ended. She would often cry as they hugged good-bye, and her granny called out “see you soon!”. As she drove home, she felt upset, thinking that it was a whole week until they would see each other again – and it seemed like forever.

One week, as they were saying goodbye her Granny placed the most precious gold necklace in her hands. She put this on and knew now that she would always feel close to her. Whenever she missed her, she would just feel for the necklace and she knew it would not be long until she saw her again. She felt comforted by this amazing gift she had received.

Do you know that Jesus did the same thing for us? He gave us a gift. After Jesus rose from the dead, all the work He had to do on earth was finished, and He had to leave to go to be with His father in heaven. When he was on the earth, He helped people every day. He sat with them, talked with them, and prayed with them. People knew what it meant to have Jesus close to them. Now no one would see Jesus for some time, and they would miss Him. People were worried and wondered how they could live without Him.

When Jesus returned to Heaven, He sent everyone who believes in Him a very special gift. This gift is more precious than any treasure we could have, and we hold it close every day in our hearts. He gave us His Holy Spirit. We cannot see the Holy Spirit, but we know He is there, and that brings us such comfort. When we invite Him to live in our hearts, we know that He is present with us, every day, everywhere we go. We cannot see Him with our eyes, but we know that He is so close to each one of us.

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us the gift of Your Holy Spirit. For loving us so much that you have provided for our every need and given us access, through the Holy Spirit, to your peace and provision in our daily lives. Amen.

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Easter Series – Kids@Exchange Church Belfast 2021

