So, you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man”. 1 Cor 15:21

Do you ever plan your day or week, and something happens that throws all your plans up in the air? Maybe there is a phone call, or someone comes to the door and suddenly all the plans completely change! Did you know that the way the world is today, was never the original plan of God? He had spent 6 days creating this amazing universe: the earth, the stars, the sky, the sea, the trees, and animals. An incredible place that He could share with us his creation. So why did God’s plans change?

You probably know the story of Adam and Eve. Do you remember the one thing that God told them not to do? They were not allowed to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as God wanted to protect them. But like most of us, there are times when we struggle to do what we are told and think we know better. Adam did not listen to God; he ate the fruit of that tree and it changed everything forever. It brought evil and death into the world when the plan was for joy and life.

But our awesome God quickly had another plan. He would save us from the mess we had made and give us a second chance. Now you know when you have to fix things it can cost you time and effort. But when God had to clean up our mess it cost him much more. He had to send His Son Jesus, as a man to die for us so that we could enjoy the life we were created for. His death on the cross would be the ultimate sacrifice for us, and all our wrong choices would be forgiven.

The Bible tells us that today Jesus is seated in heaven with his Father. We can come to him for help and know his love in our hearts. God’s original plan was fulfilled and now we can be part of his precious family as sons and daughters of the King of all Kings

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord Jesus, that because of your obedience to the will of your Father, we have been gifted access into God’s family, and we can live as children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We have all that we need in you Jesus, you are worthy to be praised, Amen.

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Easter Series – Kids@Exchange Church Belfast 2021

