He is not here but has risen. Remember how he told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” Luke 24 v 6-7

How good is your memory?

When you are in school and are learning about a certain topic do you always remember what the teacher said in class? Or do you find when you are doing your homework, you are not always sure what to do. Sometimes it can be hard to remember exactly what was said and we can end up feeling confused. Do you want to know a secret? Anyone can be forgetful, sometimes when we are busy or worried, or scared we can forget what someone has said. This even happened to people in the bible, they forgot things that Jesus had told them.

We read about this when some women had totally forgotten something important that Jesus had told them before He died. The women were incredibly sad because Jesus was dead, and they had gone to his tomb expecting his body to be there, but it was empty. The bible says they were confused, wondering what could have happened when two angels appeared beside them. The angels said to them, “why are you looking for the living One among the dead”? You see the angels knew Jesus had already told the women that he would, “rise on the third day”. Jesus did not want them to be sad when he died because he knew it was not the end. He knew He would live again but the women had forgotten this. They believed only what they could see. They had watched Jesus being crucified and put into the tomb and they expected him to still be there when they went back.

BUT Jesus is still alive today and He wants us to remember every day how much He loves us. Just like the two angels were sent to the women at the tomb to remind them what Jesus had told them, Jesus gives us the Bread and the Wine as our reminder that He is alive and that He has provided all that we need through His broken body and His shed blood.

Jesus provides, Jesus loves, Jesus guides; It is all about HIM and when we focus on Him, He makes sure we never forget!

PRAYER: Thank-you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for us, for paying the price for all our sins. Thank you for Communion, the act of remembrance that you left for us, to remind us that we are greatly blessed, highly favoured, and deeply loved by You forever. Amen.

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Easter Series – Kids@Exchange Church Belfast 2021

