For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:40

Do you know when you bury a seed in soil it dies? When the seed dies a new life grows up out of it in the form of a plant. This little seed that was once buried becomes a beautiful tree when it dies. That is why we should not have any fear towards death as the same thing happens to us. When we die it does not mean it is the end of our lives it simply means we are to become something so much greater in Jesus.

Jesus is saying in this verse, “that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life”. We do not have to be afraid or hold onto fear in this life we have on earth. As we know, He has our future in His hands, He has shown us in this verse that there is an eternal life that we get to spend with Him. Eternal life means everlasting and forever, it is a gift from God, this gift cost God his only Son. Can you imagine how much God loves us to send His only Son to earth to die on a cross so that WE could have eternal life? All we have to do is to believe and accept Jesus our Saviour into our lives.

How amazing is this, to know that when we choose to follow Jesus, He gives meaning to everything and He has power over death, so we can live forever with Him in heaven.

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for this day, thank you for the animals, the flowers, the trees, the ocean, and the sun that rises and sets each day! Thank you for creating everything we see! Thank you for sending your one and only son to earth to die on a cross so that we can have eternal life! In Jesus name, Amen.

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Easter Series – Kids@Exchange Church Belfast 2021

