I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”. John 15 v 5

I can do it myself!” Those are the words that strike fear into the heart of every parent! Although as parents we are always trying to help our children become more independent, it always seems to be the things we don’t want them to do on their own that are the ones they are most insistent about trying!

As people we often tend to have this independent streak in us, that just wants to go ahead and make it on our own. We need to recognise however that is not how God made us. We are not designed to fly solo. Just as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all have an intimate connection and fellowship together, we too are created to be part of that beautiful communion. We understand that the Father, Son and Spirit are one but they all have a unique role. We too are one in Christ. Colossians 3:3 tells us: “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” We are in the vine but we have a distinct role within that. Whenever we fail to see and understand this we will find ourselves struggling in life because we are trying to achieve something that is outside of our ability.

Jesus gives us this simple illustration to help us see clearly where our responsibility lies. So let’s look at what this picture tells us. The vine is where the life, water, food and all that is needed for fruit to happen comes from - it just so happens that it is only in the branches that you find fruit. We need to comprehend that we are not the supplier of life. Our job is to bear fruit. The issue is we get this all mixed up. We live as though the results and the manifestation of life and living freely are our responsibility. This is not what Jesus tells us. We are often running around feeling stressed and overwhelmed because we are acting like we are responsible for the outcome.

A true branch is restful because it knows that all of its supply is coming from the vine.

Take a minute and meditate on this. The same life that flows through the vine is the same life that flows in the branches. That means the very life of Jesus flows through you right now. He is the supplier, it is his life, his power, his healing, his blessing, his hope that is flowing to you all the time. What is even more incredible is that we don’t have to do anything to receive this. We can’t earn it, it is completely independent of our performance. The only thing that is required of us is to stay connected. Jesus came to earth to lift weights and burdens from His people. He came to show them the path to life and freedom. His message has never changed.

Today be totally assured of his supply flowing into every area of your life. If you are experiencing lack of any kind turn to him in faith and declare his promises over you. Draw deep from the word and allow it to feed you and nourish you. What you will find is that rather than trying to be more holy, more loving, more patient or more caring this fruit will just naturally grow and rather than chasing his blessings they will chase you down!

Please remember to share this daily devotion with your friends, and if anyone wants to receive ‘Grace for Today’ directly then please just sign up via our website at www.exchangechurchbelfast.com

Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

