The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”. John 1 v 5

If we listen too much to the news we can feel like darkness is all round us. We get bombarded by reports of disease, wars, attacks in schools. We can soon feel overwhelmed by the works of the enemy and consequences of sin in a fallen world. As believers, however, we are children of the light. No matter how dark things may appear at times, the Lords love will always shine brighter:

See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn”. Isaiah 60 v 2-3

What goes on in the darkness will always been limited in impact. We associate darkness with the night, with lying down, during the course of our days little happens in the times of physical darkness. Contrasted to the day when the light is all around. Periods of light are times when we come together, when much is accomplished, when we are purposeful. You see even though evil principalities will do all in their power to frustrate the work of Christ, the Light - Jesus has overcome the darkness and will continue to take ground over the schemes of the enemy. Every time someone chooses to put their trust in Jesus, they leave the darkness and step into his kingdom of light.

What is more, people are attracted to the light. Though darkness entered the heart of man through sin, the light of God’s son has defeated the power of sin and death. Jesus came to illuminate the darkened soul of man who in his pride tried to be like God. When we turn to Jesus and allow his light to flood our hearts we are enlightened to truth. He comes and lives in us by His Spirit as light that can never go out. The darkness of sin is incapable of extinguishing the pure light of God.

Now that we have the light of God dwelling within us through His Spirit, we can allow him to shine into every decision that we make. We no longer need to go through life confused or struggling to find our way. His light will lead and guide us. He will dispel the darkness. No evil plan of the enemy can overwhelm us or overtake us. Jesus’ time on the earth was the final battle between the powers of darkness and light. They crucified him, but he rose again and conquered.

Are you living today believing that the schemes of the devil can prevail against you or are you walking with confidence in the light of God’s love? The world around us is desperate for hope. Bask in the light of the Lord’s love for you today and allow his light to reflect to those around you as his goodness, peace and joy shine through your life.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020


