The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined”. Isaiah 9 v 2

Do you know of people today who are struggling to find their way? They are lost, roaming around in the shadows, looking for answers. This is not the way God ever intended life to be. We were never supposed to have to figure it out on our own. The children of Israel knew what it meant to live in darkness. They had had to suffer the terrible effects of their rebellion and instead of enjoying the life of blessing and prosperity that the Lord desired for them, they continued to walk through seasons of darkness and turmoil. They had lived through the exile to Babylon and they were now living under Roman occupation. All the while they were holding on to the promises of the Lord with the words of the prophets etched in their minds. They were waiting for their deliverer, their Messiah. They had been promised liberation from oppression, a time when the darkness would no longer overwhelm them, a time when the light would come.

During the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) there was a great ceremony called the "Illumination of the Temple," where four huge menorah’s were lit in the Temple at night to remind the people of the pillar of fire that had guided Israel in their wilderness journey. All night long the light shone, illuminating the entire city. The illumination from these imposing Temple lamps symbolised two realities. The first was the reality of the “Light of all Lights”— the Shekinah Glory—the visible presence of God that filled the first Temple, which Solomon built (1 Kings. 8:10–11). The second was Ha’or Gadol (the Great Light) who would soon come and bring light to those who were spiritually dead and dwelling in darkness (Isaiah. 9:2). This festival was a reminder that God had promised to send a light, the Light, to a sin-darkened world. God promised to send the Messiah to renew Israel's glory, release them from bondage, and restore their joy.

This is the backdrop in which Jesus stood up and declared that He was the Light of the world. The religious leaders and teachers of the law were going about their rituals, engaged in the duties and ceremonies that God had set in place to point them to this very moment and yet when the Light steps into their world they cannot see it. There was a spiritual blindness that covered their eyes. This light was not what they imagined. They were looking for freedom from a government or power. Jesus had come, however, to expose the darkness in the human heart and to show people that outside of a life with him there is no light.

It’s the same for us today. We will never find our way without him. No amount of self-effort, performance or trying our best will get us to where we want to go. We will always be lost, stumbling around in the dark. Whatever area of your life that you are struggling with today allow Jesus’ light to shine in. He is there to guide you, to dispel all fear and to show you off as a vessel of his glory! He has so much for us to enjoy. His life literally lights up a room. It transforms, it illuminates, it dazzles. When we allow the light of his love to flood our hearts we will literally shine to all around us!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020


