Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7

I love to go out for walks in nature and enjoy the beauty of creation. Each season has a different scene, with new colours. For me when I’m outdoors I feel connected to Jesus, everything points to him. The world is his incredible tapestry, displaying the enormity of his universe, the immense scope of his design and his intricate care for form and detail. Everything that has life brings glory to the giver of life. The Lord continually uses pictures in his word to help us understand his goodness, majesty and love for us. In these verses we see how he uses the image of a tree to paint a picture in our minds of what a vibrant relationship with him will look like. To the Jews living in a hot climate they would know exactly the perils of a dry and parched land and the dire consequences of the lack of rain. They would have grown up seeing trees wither and die in drought seasons. This image would have been familiar to them all.

Contrast this with the tree planted by the water. The tree with the deep roots drinking from the stream. Here life flows, there is fruitfulness and there is abundance. This tree is strong and healthy. It is not fighting to survive. It is connected to the life source. Life is flowing freely. The tree not only survives but bears fruit which feeds others. What a picture for us to meditate on today. Being connected to Jesus, the living water, the source of true life. We don’t need to fear any kind of lack. When drought comes we are firmly planted, our roots are drawing from the source that will never run dry. We can have confidence in every season. No matter what is going on around us we can lift our eyes up and recognise that our supply is not natural. It is not controlled by the system of the world. We are drinking from a limitless source.

It’s a picture of health and wholeness. This is how Jesus wants us to view our connection to him. He is giving us everything that we need in this world. He is sustaining us. He will ensure that no matter what trials others may be facing we do not need to be anxious. Our feet are firmly planted. Our foundations are strong. We will be fruitful.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020


