What do you believe about Jesus & who do you say that he is?

This question is one that Jesus asked while he lived on the earth and is one that he is calling each of us to answer today. Do we look to him as our saviour and deliverer? Do we come to him as our provider? Do we we see him as our redeemer? Do we expect to receive from him as our healer?

Jesus was given many different titles when he walked on the earth and many people struggled to fathom who he really was. They made attempts to label him and put him into a box that they could understand. In the first chapter of the gospel of John, after meeting John the Baptist (Chpt 1:19-51), we see people encountering Jesus and trying to answer this question: Who is He? Some said he was the King of Israel, others believed he was a Rabbi or teacher of the law, others believed he was the Lamb of God, and the long awaited Messiah. But still others could only see him as Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. Jesus understood the importance of this question. In fact it is mentioned in 3 of the 4 gospel accounts so the Holy Spirit obviously wants to make sure we don’t miss it.

So why is it so important? What does our answer to this question mean to our lives?

What people believed about Jesus had a direct impact on the difference he made in their lives. You see some people perceived who Jesus was and humbled themselves to listen to his words and receive from him. They were the people that found freedom and life. They were the ones who were “blind but now see.” They were the ones who were hungry but were fed and satisfied. They were the sinners who’d been rejected, and now found forgiveness, love and acceptance.

When Jesus walked the earth He came to reveal his Father to us. He came to bring heaven to earth and bring the scriptures to life. To demonstrate to the Jews that everything that they had built their lives around - the coming of the Messiah- was happening right before their eyes. God supreme- God Almighty - the great I AM came to earth to rescue and restore a broken world. He became a man and humbled himself to death.. even death on a cross. He was there to rescue them but they had to have “eyes to see and ears to hear.”

It’s no different today. In a busy world we can get caught up with what is right in front of us and yet miss the one who is holding the whole world together. We can be consumed by the moment and what is bombarding our senses and not recognise that every minute of this life has been graciously given to us by a loving Father and that our beautiful Saviour is eagerly waiting to lead and guide our steps. Who do we say he is? We get to choose. He doesn’t force himself on us. He invites us to approach him. To draw close to him. To receive grace upon grace.

How will you approach him today? As your Lord and Saviour? Your friend and helper? Your shepherd and guide? What you believe about him will change the trajectory of your life.

He’s asking you the question - Who do you say that I am? What’s your answer?

Please remember to share this daily devotion with your friends, and if anyone wants to receive ‘Grace for Today’ directly then please just sign up via our website at www.exchangechurchbelfast.com

Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020
