Zephaniah 3:17

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. (NIV Bible)

Father is with you. He has come to save you and He takes great delight in your life. His song proclaims to the heavens His undying affection towards you. Have you ever wondered what Father's singing must sound like? I can only imagine! When I think of how Father quiets us with His love, the image of a mother nursing her newborn baby comes to mind. It is as if while nursing at the breast of God, Father (El Shaddai, The Many Breasted One) sings a lullaby that soothes our soul and brings us reassurance and a sense of belonging (Isaiah 66:11). Each word lovingly expressed in a tender voice that calms and quiets us in His love.

When I think of how Father rejoices over us with singing, another image comes to mind. I envision Father swinging us around in circles, all the while bellowing His song of extreme affection over us. The Hebrew word used here to describe how Father sings is 'rinnah'. It means to express a ringing cry, a loud shout, a proclaimation of extreme joy and an expression of gladness. He is not ashamed of the love He has for us and He wants the whole universe to know it. The next time you worship the Father in song, remember that as you sing of your love for Him, He in turn sings His song of love over you! Can you hear Him singing?


Father, I pray that You would give me ears to hear Your love songs over me. I pray that I would be able to silence the busyness of my life so I could hear Your soothing lullabies and Your bellowing melodies. Thank You for being with me and for taking such great delight in my life that You rejoice over me with singing. In the name of Your beloved Son Jesus I pray, AMEN.

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Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications © 1999

