Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.” Luke 9:19

Do you like to watch the news, keep in touch with people on social media, and follow people you admire on Instagram? In today’s world we literally have access to millions of people at our finger tips. Keeping us connected, abreast of current events and the vast range of public opinion, on any given subject. Everyday we are bombarded by opinions flying at us through tweets, posts, YouTube videos. If you want to share what you think you have every opportunity to get your message across. Being influenced by the crowd is not a problem that is only common to this generation. In fact from time began people have been influenced by voices. Look at Eve in the garden when she listened to the serpent and how she in turn impacted Adam. This was just the start of how humanity continued to stray from the one voice that was there to love, guide and protect them.

That’s why Jesus asked his disciples : “ Who do they say that I am?” You see what we allow ourselves to listen to will affect us. When Jesus walked the earth his presence provoked many reactions. When people encountered him their worlds were rocked. For many he transformed their lives bringing hope, healing, the gift of no condemnation and a new future. For others he shook all that they held dear. Their self- effort, their pride, their purpose and their identity. You see Jesus dismantled all of man’s attempts to build their lives on any other foundation outside of Him and his finished work. He came to turn the system of rule keeping and performance on its head. He came to show that there was only one way to draw close to the Father and that was through the son. This was so offensive to the religious leaders of the day. Suddenly they were considered on an equal footing as the sinners and tax collectors. Jesus came to oppose a system that offered special treatment based on what you do and to extend the gift of love and acceptance to all who were willing to receive.

I believe He’s asking us the same question today. “Who do they say I am?” Those people in your world. Are they conscious of who He is and what He has done for them?

We need to be mindful of the opinions that we take under our notice. Do we find we are fearful when negative reports are dominating the news? Do we find we become anxious when people around us are shaken by current events? The world does not recognise Jesus as their Saviour and is therefore trying to save itself. The word tells us that we are in this world but not of this world. Jesus came to free us from all fear. He came to liberate us from the bondage of trying to achieve in order to be approved of.

Jesus came to deliver us and to bring us into a life of fullness and opportunity. We can expect to walk in favour and see promotion. Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by the voices of the world. Draw close to Jesus today and allow him to remind you of Who He truly is.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020
