Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people” John 2:23-24.

I don’t know about you but I’m not very good at pretending. Sometimes that gets me into trouble as I struggle to hide my disappointment or annoyance over events that haven’t gone my way. Reading this verse today gives me great confidence as I realise that nothing about us surprises the Lord. He is under no illusion today about your thoughts, your motives or your actions. He walked the earth and He knows how fickle we can be. He understands the ways of man and is all too aware of the works of the flesh.

There are moments when I have conversations in my head about what I should bring to the Lord and then I realise He knows it all. He has seen it all and He is not shocked by it. He has heard the negative thoughts you have had towards your husband or wife. He has seen the jealousy you are struggling with as your friends seem to be floating through life with no worries and you are battling with the trials of parenting a rebellious teenager. He understands your fears over the future and your anxiety over your finances and how you’ll make ends meet.

Do you ever feel like you are on a roller coaster? Enjoying the highs of great moments with family and friends and the blessing of knowing that you are loved. Then plummeting into the lows where you feel lost and alone and you don’t know who or where to turn to for help. I believe in the goodness of God…I believe in the promises He has spoken over my life…. I believe in the future he has ordained for me and yet there are times that I doubt, that I wobble and that I’m afraid it’s all going to come crashing down around me.

Jesus never places his trust in us or our ability to hold on. That is why it tells us in Colossians 1 :17 “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." He is not relying on you to be sure and steady. He does not expect that you will never be distracted by the wind and the waves of the storm going on around you. He desires for you to live above it all. To feel the safety of his loving arms protecting you, taking care of you and working everything out for your good. But He is not put off by your weakness.

He is the steadfast, unchanging one. He knows how feeble we can be but he also has 100% confidence in his power working in us. We were never designed to navigate our way through life based on our own ability or resources. We are designed to stay connect-ed to the vine. From him all life flows.

Rather than feeling disheartened by your own frailty or failure, magnify who He is and meditate on the fact that His Spirit within you is leading and guiding you today.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

