Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again (anōthen) he cannot see ( (hor-ah’-o, perceive, experience, discern) the kingdom of God.” John 3: 3

Would you consider yourself to be a straight talker?

For some of us we find people who just say what they think a little obnoxious or rather blunt. Other people find it refreshing to be around people who will speak their minds and are not afraid of the opinion of others. Whenever Jesus spoke, you were never left wondering what he really thought. He didn’t make his message complicated to those whose hearts were open to receive, however, there were many who struggled to understand his message purely because it challenged the very things they had built their lives upon. Jesus was not trying to be difficult or offensive. He is by his very nature love, so he didn’t set out to push people away, however, he is also the truth and that meant there was no ambiguity in what he said. His words cut through motives and got to the heart of the issue. That’s what I love about today’s verse. While Nicodemus, who would have been regarded as Israel’s leading authority as a teacher of the scriptures, appeared to come to Jesus humbly saying “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God.”

There is one very interesting detail that could be easily missed. He came at night. Why is this so significant?

He didn’t want to be seen. He didn’t want his reputation to be tarnished. He was afraid of what the religious authorities might think if he was found mixing with Jesus. Jesus knew Nicodemus’s thoughts. He could see that although Nicodemus was curious, he was not submitting to Jesus authority as one sent by God. This man of authority came to authority itself. Here we have a clear example of the two worlds that we operate within. Nicodemus represents the temporal worldly systems and man’s attempts to govern and control life and Jesus represents the eternal kingdom from which all life flows. Jesus was bringing heaven to earth; he was showing that a true life can only be found in Him and that we all have the opportunity to enter into this life from above. But it is a brand-new life. It is a completely new birth. It’s about letting go of the old and embracing something completely new. For Nicodemus it would have meant giving up everything that he had based his existence on. Everything that he had relied on to make him worthy and acceptable. All the rule keeping, the self -effort, the study. None of it would count. This life from above was only entered into by faith in Jesus.

You see for us to truly experience, perceive and see the Kingdom of God it will require us to let go of our pasts. Today for us to enjoy all that the Lord has for us it is essential that we give up being in the driving seat. The Lord wants you to experience heaven on earth, to walk in his goodness and favour and blessing every day. But it starts with one simple act. Laying down your life.

Jesus submitted to the will of his Father and he laid down his life and the Father exalted Him. Today we will enter into the fullness that the Lord has for us and will see ourselves moving closer to our dreams and desires of our hearts as we simply let go and trust in his love. We lay down all out attempts to take control of our lives through our self-effort and we trust in his righteousness.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

