By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth”. Psalm 33:6

We read today how the heavens were made by the word. They were spoken into being and came forth. There was no effort, no striving, no toil. It’s hard for us to get our heads around the immensity of this statement. Most of mans’ greatest accomplishments come about through much time and effort. We struggle to comprehend achievement without the sweat of our brow or much grit and determination. Yet this is what sets our Lord apart. This is why we stand in awe and wonder. His capacity to bring things into being illustrates his glory and power as creator and ruler of the universe. Everything we see has been spoken into existence by the Lord, “Their starry host by the breath of his mouth.” The Hebrew word for breath is berauch which is also translated as Spirit. Here we see in creation the work of the trinity, the Father, the Word( the Son) and the Spirit bringing forth in unity that which was unseen into the realm of their creation. The word was all that was required so this should give us great confidence today of the inherent power of God’s word, “ For he spake, and it was done, he commended and it stood fast.”

Just as the heavens and the earth were made by God through his word, it follows that every word that proceeds from the mouth of God has this same power. What is more the Word, which John 1 v 14 reveals to us as Jesus, proved willing to step out of heaven, to leave the glory of being in the presence of the Father and to come to earth, to live in human form, to suffer and die on the cross. The breath by which life was created came down as flesh, dwelt among us and allowed those He had made to carry out their evil schemes. He gave his last breath and walked through the agony of death and separation from the Father. In doing this the Word through whom all things were created paved the way for a new creation. The opportunity to enter into a new life that would last into eternity and would reconnect the kingdom of heaven to the earth.

In the garden of Eden man gave away his God given authority to the enemy, Jesus came to earth and through his death bought it back. This same authority is now made available to us today through the cross. The power of Jesus himself lives in us through his Spirit. He has given us the potential to speak forth his promises over our lives and to come into agreement with the declarations that He makes about us as co- heirs in Christ. As He has been raised up to sit at the right hand of the Father we too can now enjoy the position of being seated in heavenly places. We no longer need to live according to the patterns of this world. Everyday we get to renew our minds to the reality of heaven and the victory that the Lord has won for us.

The hard work has been done for you. YOU no longer have to strive to be someone, YOU are someone, YOU ARE a child of God.

He has called you and equipped you with the sword of the Spirit. He has released you to declare His word over your life. When you agree with what He says about you, you will begin to walk in greater levels of blessing and anointing than you have ever experienced before! Take Him at His word today and see his goodness and grace transform every area of your life!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

