Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” But he was speaking about the temple of his body”. John 2:19-20

You were created for relationship and designed for intimacy. You were purposed to be loved and to love others. The Lord never intended for his interaction with you to be centred around rules and regulations, on keeping laws and following rituals. He (God) is a loving Father and he wants his children to know Him as such. When Jesus stepped out of heaven and walked the earth He came to deliver a message of reconciliation. He came to set people free from a life of trying to earn God’s approval. Jesus came to remove every barrier that prevented us from drawing close to our maker.

When we see Jesus in the Temple, He was surrounded by men who were trying to make themselves right with God through their own efforts and yet they could not even recognise that the very one they claimed to worship was standing in their midst. As Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers and those selling the sheep and doves we see it is a prophetic declaration of what his mission on earth was about. He came to overthrow the religious system and all of its law keeping. The Temple had become a place where people were reminded of their inadequacies and their shortcomings. The leaders were putting ever increasing weights and burdens on the shoulders of the people. Ceremonies and festivals that were supposed to draw people closer to God and remind them of his goodness and love were being turned into hollow rituals. Relationship with God was stifled and the people’s hearts had become cold and empty. Everyone was concerned with what was seen on the outside. Jesus came to deal with the heart of man, to meet his inner most need. He works from the inside out.

Today Jesus wants to overthrow everything in your life that holds you back from approaching your heavenly Father. Every condemning thought that you have had was nailed to the cross, every cruel word you have ever spoken was paid for by his blood. Every time you have failed to trust and believe in His promises has been accounted for through his death. Jesus came to the earth to lift every weight and burden off your shoulders. You no longer need to atone for your sin through acts of service and sacrifice. You can approach your Father today with confidence knowing that nothing can ever separate you from His love. What is more Jesus no longer resides in a building made by human hands but he dwells in each one of his children through his Spirit. We are now living stones. As we go about our days we can trust that He is leading and guiding us and that His life is flowing in us and through us. Wherever you go you bring the Kingdom of heaven. His Spirit in you is a life giving source welling up within and refreshing those around you.

Meditate today on the victory of the cross and the overcoming life that Jesus died to bring you!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

