In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God”. John 1 v 1-2

Do you ever have that feeling of deja-vu, when you think you have been somewhere before? This is exactly the kind of response John wants to give to his reader as they open his book. These words “in the beginning….” should immediately draw us back to the start of the scriptures where we read in the very first line of Genesis how God first speaks the world into being.

You may look at the world and see chaos, uncertainty and disorder all around you. You may find people living in confusion and fear over what the future holds. You don’t need to be swayed by this turmoil or allow the commotion of the crowd to wreak havoc in your life. You have the God of order establishing the path for your success. He has been since before time began. He will be throughout eternity. He remains the same. You see, we have to remember the context in which John was writing. His audience was made up largely of those from Jewish and Greek traditions. The “word” or “logos” in the Greek had roots in both Jewish and Greek thinking. The Jewish Rabbi’s would have spoken of God himself as “the word of God.” Greek Philosophers saw “logos” as the power that made sense and order out of a chaotic world. Therefore John uses this word “logos” to address his audience to demonstrate that this “Word” or ‘Logos’ that they had talked about through history - He is real, He is God, He has taken on the form of a person and has come to earth and His name is Jesus.

John sets it out with clarity so that there can be no mistake “and the Word was God.” Everything we know to be true of the Father is true of Jesus. Boice puts it like this: “In Jesus dwells all the wisdom, glory, power, love, holiness, justice, goodness and the truth of the Father. In Him, God the Father is known”.

So, what does the mean for you today?

Rest assured that there is a plan for your life. You have been woven into an incredible tapestry that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have commissioned before the foundation of the world. You have a purpose and a destiny because you have been bought back through the sacrifice of the Son into a loving relationship with your heavenly Father. His Word is eternal. His promises are yes and Amen. His kingdom is firmly established. You are a citizen of heaven and you are part of a royal priesthood. Governments, authorities, threats of war, disease, economic downturns will all pass away. The word of the Lord will not pass away. Jesus, The Word is the source of all life. You have been created anew in Him and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

You are secure and you are protected. The one who spoke the earth into existence, who redeemed you from death and destruction, is holding you today and will continue to protect you into all eternity.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

