“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.” Matthew 6:28
Looking out our kitchen window, I have a climbing plant. Over the last few weeks the rain and occasional sun have provided the perfect conditions for growth. What started off small is now tall, and the buds that have only recently come into existence are starting to bloom.
It's incredible when we think about it, the intricacies packed into a tiny bud, the potential that structure holds and yet the ease at which it all seems to happen. Exposing a beautiful flower which no man-made thing could compete with.
The flowers do not labour or spin, yet look how they grow! We often think God can't transform our intricacies, we set our potential to the side and we make it about us. It's not about us, it is about Him and His finished work. He has set our lives in motion, He knows the intricacies and He sees your potential. Keep walking in relationship with Him and you'll see it too!