"Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. 8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 143: 7 – 8a

I am an early riser usually getting up around 6.30am. I enjoy drinking my first cup of tea in a quiet house before the day gets underway. It’s refreshing to start the day watching the sky change as the sun rises and listening to the world waking up. In those moments I remind myself that God never changes – that He is unwavering in His love for me. As we can rely on the sun rising every morning, even on the days we cannot see it behind the clouds, so we can rely on God’s love being a constant in our lives.

By reminding ourselves of this fundamental truth we create a foundation of trust that we can build our lives upon. Houses are built with foundations for a reason – so they don’t collapse at the first challenge from the elements. We build our lives on the foundation of God’s love for a reason – so that we don’t collapse at the challenges we meet every day, but face them with the confidence that we are loved.

As your day starts this morning – remember God loves you – and start your day on a firm footing.
