"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" Hebrews 13:8

I remember as a child picking daisies and pulling at the tiny petals saying the phrase, “he loves me, he loves me not”…. Although we would all admit that the outcome of that game is not anything we would base our future plans on, at times we approach the Lord with the same doubts and insecurities. We believe that our changing behaviour, our up and down emotions and our negative thought patterns will influence how God sees us. On our best days we are confident that his love is shining down on us and we can be sure of his favour and blessing. Then on our worst days we hang our heads in shame and hide in the shadows. Waiting until we can redeem ourselves through our good behaviour or acts of kindness that will somehow compensate for the fact that we have messed up.

This is an exhausting way to live. Never knowing exactly where you stand. Always thinking that at anytime you could mess it all up again and you will have to accept that you are back where you started. That is why the truth of this verse is so powerful. The love that we received from Jesus at the moment of our salvation is the same love that we will walk in for the rest of our lives. You see when we are unstable he is stable, when we are inconsistent he is consistent, when we are unfaithful he is faithful. The Lord’s love and grace towards us is not based on how good we are but how good he is. That is why we can have confidence today that no matter what is going on in the world our feet are firmly planted in an eternal kingdom in which we are well and truly anchored.

Furthermore in a world full of uncertainty and constant change so many people are feeling unstable and fear the future. The lack of clarity around world events, the threat of disease, the rumours of war and terrorist attacks leave people feeling vulnerable and almost afraid to face a new day as they just don’t know what it will bring. As believers we don’t need to live in this space. We don’t need to be swayed by the media or the prospect of new governments or economic crises. We have a constant in the midst of the chaos. You see nothing is new to God. He exists outside of time and he is Lord of every hour and minute that we live. Our very breath is a gift from him. And what should give us great comfort is that in a world of turmoil and ambiguity he remains the same. What you learnt about him yesterday is true today and will be true tomorrow.

He is reliable. He is steadfast. He is the rock on which you can build solid foundations that will not be shaken!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

