"Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am”. John 8 : 58

Do you ever hold back from saying something because you are afraid of the reaction you might get? Sometimes we struggle to speak the truth even though we know that it is the right thing to do because we fear the consequences. Remember today as a child of God, you have the truth dwelling on the inside of you and when you allow the truth to lead you life will flow. Jesus came and revealed himself to be the truth. There is no falsehood in him. His nature and very being is true. He is incapable of being anything but true just as he is incapable of being anything but love. When He spoke, his words brought life to those who wanted to receive from God. And yet, those people who were supposed to represent God became the most incensed by his words. They found everything that he declared to be offensive, so offensive in fact that they attempted to stone him. They could not accept that this Rabbi, this mere man, could claim to be God. Even though no prophet before him could have performed the signs that he did the religious leaders could not acknowledge his true identity. Rather than humbling themselves to the fact that they could not explain his works away they instead set themselves up to fight against him. They made up lies and plotted to kill him.

And yet Jesus knew that whatever the charge against him his fate was not in their hands. The authority that they had was given to them by His Father. He did not need to prove his case to anyone through persuasive words and arguments. He simply told the truth and then demonstrated it through his actions. It was not blasphemy for Him to claim the name I AM, because Jesus is fully God. As God, He was not created but is self-existent (Colossians 1:17) He is eternal, existing before Abraham and now seated at the right hand of God the Father for eternity (Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:8). He is self-sufficient, needing nothing, and self-directed, accomplishing His will as He sees fit (Job 41:11, Psalm 135:6). And He is unchanging, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8)

Now what does that mean for you and me today? For a start in an age full of “gods” Jesus declares that HE is over all - He is the source, He is the beginning and the end. He is the constant truth in your life. In a world full of lies and arguments that try to exalt themselves above the truth rest assured today that Jesus reigns over it all. Don’t be intimidated by the voices of this world. Don’t give in to the crowd and the pressure to conform. No scheme of man can come against the true authority in your life. Whatever lies are spoken about you, whatever the enemy tries to tell you, don’t pay attention.

As you follow Jesus’ ways and walk in his truth life will flow from you. You will find answers that you have been looking for, help that you need, provision for your every day and peace that leads and guides you. What’s more you will have the courage and confidence to be all that you have been called to be and to stand for the truth.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

