Every word of God is tried and purified; He is a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him. —Proverbs 30:5 AMPC

In the last reading, you’ll note that Brenda was actively filling herself up with the promises of God’s protection. When the Lord gave her a vision of her son being in danger, her heart was already full of faith (not fear) and she spoke out with authority against the evil coming against her son. When she heard about her son’s accident, she was listening to preaching on Psalm 91. Coincidence? I think not. She was already building a shield of faith around her heart. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ (see Rom. 10:17 NASB).

What are you hearing today? The word of the world? The word of Wall Street? Or the word of Christ? I want to encourage you today to build a shield of faith around your family. Listen, believe, speak. Would you say it with me? Listen, believe, speak. Listen to Christ-centered messages, believe the Word of God, and speak out loud the promises you want to see in your life.

I believe that the Lord wants to seal this truth in your life today. Say this out loud with me right now:

Lord Jesus, You are our family’s refuge, our fortress, our God—in You we trust. We don’t trust in our own wisdom, our own limited intelligence, and our own abilities. We trust in You. We trust in Your grace and Your love for us. We trust You to keep us in Your divine health and strength all the days of our lives. We trust You to keep us from terror, from fear, from dangers, from disease, and from accidents. In You we trust. Amen.

Today’s Prayer

Abba, Father, thank You that no matter what the enemy brings against me, You have given me faith as a mighty shield to overcome them all. Thank You for the precious word of Christ that I can believe and declare to see Your promises manifest in my life. By faith I declare that I already have the victory over every one of the enemy’s attacks. Amen.

Today’s Thought

Today I stand upon the unshakable foundation of the word of Christ and speak the promises of God. No plague, no death, no harm, and no evil can come near me because my Lord Jesus has paid the full penalty for my sins and for me to receive His divine protection.

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times
