So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. —Isaiah 55:11 AMPC

Let me now encourage you with another praise report of the power of praying and speaking Psalm 91 over our loved ones. This came from Brenda, who lives in Connecticut:

My twenty-four-year-old son, Lee, was crossing the street on a crosswalk in New York City when he was struck by a cab on the leg and thrown onto the hood of the car before landing on the street. Miraculously, he was totally fine after the accident! He did not have a single broken bone, bruise, or even a scratch.

I recall that just a few days before the accident, we were having a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving. Suddenly, I saw in my mind an image of Lee on a slab and dead in a morgue. I immediately dismissed that image, proclaimed that my son would live and not die, and pleaded the blood of Jesus over him.

I didn’t tell anyone what I’d seen, but just thanked God for His protection for my son and all my family members in Jesus’ name. The morning of Lee’s accident, I also felt led to pray God’s protection over my children from car accidents—not something that I usually do.

Then, later that afternoon, I received a text from Lee telling me about the accident and that he was unharmed. After hearing my son was fine, I got on my knees and cried tears of joy, thanking my wonderful Father God! I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit warned me before the accident happened so I could pray for his protection.

My son had just been awarded an awesome position in his company and we were all celebrating his wonderful new title and how God had opened up doors of favor for him. The accident happened just one day before he started his new job.

At the time I learned about Lee’s accident, I was just listening to Joseph Prince’s message on Psalm 91. I used to pray it over my family all the time, but over the years, I had forgotten about this powerful psalm. I am thankful to Joseph Prince for reminding me of the power of Psalm 91. When we pray the Word of God over our children or any situation, we release His angels to work on our behalf.

Our God is such a good God, isn’t He? I trust that you are beginning to see how important it is to invest your time in getting His living and powerful Word into your heart, praying it over yourself and your loved ones, and speaking it out loud.

Today’s Prayer

Father, thank You that because of the blood of Your Son, Jesus, I am clothed in Your righteousness and the enemy has been defeated. I want Your Word to get deep inside my heart and to guard my heart in good and bad times. Help me to speak Your Word of divine protection over all the situations in my life. I believe You will cause my loved ones and me to reign over any attack or anything that comes against us. Amen.

Today’s Thought

I reign in life over the enemy through the blood of the Lamb of God and the power of the spoken Word of God.

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times
