Psalm 139:13

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (NIV Bible)

When I read this verse, my mind wanders off to a Victorian style living room, softly lit by a crackling fire. There is a grandmother in this room, gently rocking back and forth in her maple rocking chair as she knits a sweater for a beloved grandchild. I can see the expression on her face, as all her love is, for this moment focused on this new creation. In her mind, she can picture how the sweater will look when it is finished, and the joy that it will bring to her grandchild's heart. With anticipation, she continues to knit one, pearl two, knit one, pearl two as the sweater begins take the form that she always imagined it to be. This project is not work for her, for it brings much joy to her soul and delight to her heart because each stitch is filled with love.

Now for a moment, think about how God knit you together in your mother's womb. Our Father uses such a tender illustration of how He lovingly, and carefully created our being. He could have blasted us together, or snapped His fingers and we would have appeared, but He chose a more delicate process in which He could be intimately involved as He formed us in our mothers womb...knit one, pearl two, knit one, pearl two.

Stitch by stitch, loop by loop, each one of our parts was delicately and carefully crafted by Almighty God. Your life is not the product of an impersonal evolution, but the result of a loving Father, who planned your creation before the foundations of the world, and took the time to knit you together in your mother's womb. You are a masterpiece, and your very existence brings much joy to your Father's heart.


Father I thank You for creating my inmost being. I know each strand of my DNA was fashioned by You, stitch by stitch, loop by loop, with a love that called me to life. I was created in love, and for love. And in my heart, I want to express my love back to you for being such a wonderful Father to me that You would knit me together in my mother's womb. In the name of Your beloved Son Jesus, I pray. AMEN.

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Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications © 1999

