Psalm 71:6

From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother?s womb. I will ever praise you. (NIV Bible)

God was there the day you were born. He wasn't watching at a distance, but was intimately involved in your birth. There may have been a doctor and a team of nurses in the room participating in your triumphant entry, but it was your Father who was really the One who welcomed you into this world. It was He who with great affection, declared to the heavens that this day, another one of His offspring would join the outside world.

What a Father we have! He knew us before we were conceived, He formed us in our mother's womb, gently knitting our members together, and then on the day of our glorious arrival, He was there to welcome us.

Many of us have felt that we have not been welcomed into this world, and tragically, some of us have experienced rejection even from the day of our birth. But it was God, your Father, who planned your existence before the foundation of the world, and then called you to life. When we begin to believe this truth, our hearts and our emotions, we will begin to change. For it is the cry of each one of our hearts to know that we have been absolutely and unconditionally loved, all the days of our life.

Father was there to welcome you into His wonderful world and to affirm your destiny as His child. And since that day, He has not left you, but has numbered each one of your days in His special book. As you reflect on you're the day you were born, be comforted to know that your Father was there, and He was the proudest Papa of all!


Father, I thank You for bringing me forth from my mother's womb. It was You who welcomed me into this world and called me to life. You have always been there for me, and You will always be there for me. It is Your love and acceptance that is the bedrock of my life. I will ever praise You! In the name of Your beloved Son Jesus, I pray. AMEN

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Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications © 1999

