"Sow for yourselves according to righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); reap according to mercyandloving-kindness. Break up your uncultivated ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, to inquire forandof Him,andto require His favour, till He comes and teaches you righteousnessandrains His righteous gift of salvation upon you." Hosea 10:12

When I was growing up my brother had a Skalectric racing track.  The cars fitted into a metal grove on the track and were guided round and round following a clearly defined path (until they crashed and fell off!)

Our lives can feel like that – following the same well-worn grove day in, day out; year in, year out.  After a while we become afraid of trying anything new or moving away from the familiar.  We sense that there is more for us but fear of failure or the judgement of others causes us to back away from change or challenge.

Don’t deny yourself all the blessings God has for you by now letting Him break up the uncultivated ground in your life.  Without the work of the plough, there’s nowhere to plant the seed; without the seed there’s no growth and without growth there’s no harvest.  God loves you so much He wants more for you than you want for yourself – take a step today to break out of your well-worn paths and move forward into new life in Him
