"You, O God, did send a plentiful rain; You did restore and confirm Your heritage when it languished and was weary." Psalm 68:9 (AMP)

I grow fruit and vegetables in my garden – potatoes, courgettes, raspberries, rhubarb and leeks.  Last year the harvest was plentiful – so much that I had to freeze the rhubarb and make courgette chutney! This year the harvest was pitiful, hardly anything to eat and nothing left over to preserve.

I wonder if your life feels a bit like my vegetable garden? You think that your best days are over.  You used to be on an upward trajectory at work but now it seems like your career has stalled; your marriage has become stale and lacking excitement; your body doesn’t recover like it used to.  It seems like you have nothing to look forward and only memories to look back on.

That’s not the truth! God is sending a plentiful rain of grace, favour and blessing to the weary.  It’s not just for a select few but for everyone.  He has a plan for every day of your life.  He wants your future to be better and more abundant than your past.  He doesn’t value you because you have a big salary or important place in the company hierarchy – His desire is to see you bring new passion and focus to your current situation so that you can be the greatest blessing you can be, where you are, right now.

Pray blessing into your workplace and see it prosper; love your spouse unconditionally and watch them blossom and grow, pray health and well being into your body and be energised again all the time giving thanks that he is restoring and increasing His work in your life.

The best is yet to come!
