“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Rom 8:6
If we try to find life and peace through our own reasoning or in the things of this world, it will only lead us to a place or fatigue, emptiness and ultimate death. But Paul reminds us that the result is altogether different when the Holy Spirit governs our thoughts.
Our peace, our Shalom is found in God’s Spirit; the same Holy Spirit that has brought about our sonship – a deep identity in Christ that cries from within us “Abba, Father” (Rom 8:15). The opposite of life and peace is death, alienation, division and striving but as a child of God who has the intimate Abba relationship with the Father we find life, rest, peace in Him.
Our life and peace is always found outside ourselves – it is not found in mindful meditation or in introspective self-examination but in having a deep, eternal relationship with God who is our Father. A God who knows us, loves us and has reconciled us to Him. A God whose care for us means that no matter what happens we can find peace – Shalom in Him.
Today, do not be tempted to try to work I tout intellectually, allow your spirit to be filled by Him, rest in Him and you will find peace and wholeness no matter what you face.