"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery" Gal 5 v 1

Yesterday we talked about how Jesus said that His life would flow from the inside of us. This gives us insight into the depth of the work that Jesus has done in us. Paul describes the work God has done using the word “Freedom”. The original word is “elutheria”  which means “Freedom from corrupt desires so we do the free impulse of the soul what God requires

This is an amazing thought. Today you are completely free from the corrupt desires that we so often struggle against. We need to be clear in our thinking today. Jesus has freed me. Whenever I feel angry, bitter, unforgiving, fearful, anxious, depressed or stressed I can declare that this is no longer a part of who I am and that I am free from all that previously corrupted my heart. I do not have to live like that today. In fact it is even more than that. It means that I can positively choose all that God has for me. Whatever He requires of me I am free to choose. I am no longer a slave to selfishness and pain but I am a child of God - able to freely choose His life and allow it to flow from me.

Does this seem too simple to be true? Often we feel like we are in bondage because we do not remind ourselves that we are indeed free. We often put ourselves into bondage by not staying mindful of our new state. Don’t allow that to happen today. Whenever you feel any sense of condemnation, guilt, fear or stress - stop and remind yourself that you are free from that way of thinking & living. Choose to do what God says to you today. Choose to bless and to love. Choose to speak well of others. Choose to be thankful. As you do streams of living water will flow in your life and the yoke of slavery will be broken.

