For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people

Titus 2:11

You are included!


I remember the first time I was eligible to be picked for my primary school football team. We all lined up against the wall as the teacher started to read the names of the boys who would represent the school. My heart was beating  so fast that it felt like it would pop put of my chest. Was I in or not? Would I chosen or left out? It’s an awful feeling.

God’s grace is for all people. The only people who do not take the full benefit of the work of Jesus are those that decide that they do not want to. God has not left you out. His grace has appeared for you and todays verse tells us that it is for your salvation - that word means welfare, prosperity, deliverance, preservation, salvation & safety. The full benefits of what Jesus did are available for you today - Jesus does not love anyone else more than you. We all get the chance to experience His fullness and His goodness.

Remember today that you are chosen by God - you are not excluded in anyway. His grace covers you and every situation you are in today.
