"But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength” Judges 5:31

I love to spend time outdoors; for me there is nothing more enjoyable than waking in the mountains after a night spent camping. On many occasions I have woken to thick morning fog clinging to the hills. There is an eerie silence and the mist lies heavy on everything.

What always amazes me is how, when the sun comes up, its warmth starts to burn off the fog – patches of light stream through the clouds and, as it does, you can see and hear the countryside coming to life. The clouds lift and the true beauty of the scene becomes clear.

This song of Deborah reminds us that those who love God are like the sun rising in all its strength. We, the children of God, bring light and warmth to the world around us. The love and power of God within us has the ability to burn away the fog of this world and enable those around us to see things as they really are. The true beauty of life, a life designed and blessed by God, a life with God at the centre that shines with His grace. 

As you look at the world this morning, things may look shrouded in mist, the way forward might not be clear and there may be some uncertainty but He is with you. Look to God, rest in His presence, and let the power of His love rise in you. He has promised to never leave or forsake you – the fog will lift and His light will light your way.

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