that they may be one, even as we are one”. John 17 : 11

When you turn on the news today or scroll through social media one of the things that strikes you is that as a society we appear to be becoming more and more polarised. In an age where we have so much technology to connect us and make communication easier and quicker than ever it often feels like we are growing further apart. The media itself is actually compounding this by promoting messages that push people to choose one side or another. We like and follow people with certain points of view and then we are asked to follow more people who think like us. Without realising it we have suddenly cut ourselves off from any voice that holds a different point of view and we have surrounded ourselves with people who sound like us making us feel more justified in our position. When Jesus came to the world he didn’t come to speak on behalf of any earthly government or power. He did not come to overthrow Roman oppression as the Jews had hoped or to seize political authority. He came to turn the world upside down and strip away everything that man used to bring division and strife. He operates today outside of the earthly system and his message is not one of fracture and segregation. He models out a completely different paradigm based on love, respect, trust and unity. He calls us to a new way of living, a new way of seeing the world, a new way of existing together. He came to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth and show us what heavenly relationships look like.

I love the fact that through his prayer in John 17 we catch a glimpse of the intimacy Jesus shares with his Father. I cherish the way in which we get to see for a moment their connection, and their interdependence. This unconditional love is where true life flows. It is not about protecting your rights and striving to make your voice heard. It is all centred around humbling ourselves to his will and submitting our lives to his purposes. When we follow the example of Jesus and lay down our lives to follow him and Him alone that is when we will take up our lives and walk into greater measures of glory and honour. Jesus knows the beauty and splendour of being one with the Father and the Spirit and that is why He prays that we could be one, as the church. He wants us to experience this love and peace that only he can give and rise up as one voice in a society that is fighting to see who has the right answer. Whatever people think they know or don’t know is irrelevant if they have not found the answer to the most basic question. Do you know Jesus as your Saviour? When people find this they will discover the purpose and cause that they were born for.

In Christ there is no difference made between slave or free, black or white, man or woman, rich or poor, old or young, left or right of the political spectrum. Jesus took everything that divides and nailed it to the cross. There is no only one thing that separates, have you given him your life or not? Jesus loves all people and his desire is that no-one will perish. Remind yourself today of his work of salvation in your own life and what he has saved you from and ask him to fill you afresh with a love and passion for those who have not yet discovered Jesus’ true purpose for their lives.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

