But the Helper ( comforter) , the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” John 14 vs 26

When we think of what it means to comfort someone we normally have warm and fuzzy images in our heads. We imagine showing sympathy or listening and being available for someone but this word would have had greater significance in Bible times. When the Jews heard the word Comforter it would have conveyed a completely different message. The word that is used here by Jesus is ‘PARACLETOS’ which can be more accurately interpreted as an advocate, one who pleads another’s cause before a judge, in a wider sense a helper and someone who aids. This same word would have been used in Old Testament scripture. We read in the book of Isaiah the messianic prophecy that foretold the future king who would set them free. God fearing Jews, at the time, had maintained a belief that the Messiah, the one that would save, them would be called the Comforter. Isaiah 40 1-2 “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for.

So when Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit as the Comforter He was not just explaining some new aspect to God that was up until then not known or relevant. He was showing them that everything they were longing for, everything they were believing for, all the promises that they had held onto were being fulfilled before them. He was going away but the Comforter would come. So now we understand who the comforter is let’s look at His incredible work in our lives. … “He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you”. V 26. There are many incorrect teachings in the church around the role of the Holy Spirit that have led to no end of believers feeling condemned and defeated. People have viewed the Holy Spirit as the voice of your conscience pointing out all your sin and failings in an attempt to help you live a Holy life.

This is so far from the Holy Spirit’s work of love and grace in us. Look again at the verse. “He will teach us ….and bring to your remembrance all that I have said”. Everything the Holy Spirit does points to Jesus. He teaches us Jesus’ ways and He reminds us of His word. And what are Jesus’ ways and words- “For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh”. Proverbs 4:22. Jesus’ words bring freedom and life. He is the light of the world, the good shepherd, the way and the truth, He is the living water, the bread of life. The Holy Spirit will teach you this throughout the day, in the car, in the shower, at the office, before you go to bed. He is constantly reminding you of the Lord’s love, goodness, care and compassion towards you. He is showing you the way to life that is found in fellowship and communion with Jesus, your Saviour.

Jesus understands us better than we will ever understand ourselves. He knows there will be times we take our eyes off him and moments when we listen to the voice of the accuser telling us we have fallen short and can no longer approach the Lord because of our sin and shame. This is where our advocate, the Comforter, will draw alongside us and plead our case. Reminding us of our righteous standing that was made possible through the blood of Jesus and admonishing us to, “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. Hebrews 4: 16.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

