Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you”. John 16: 7

Can you remember when you first learnt to ride a bike? I had actually forgotten what a tricky process it was until we had to finally take the stabilisers off our sons bike and then endure the back breaking ordeal of holding on to the back of his bike while he tried to find his balance. I recall how he was so afraid of me letting go and yet I knew if I didn’t he would never get to enjoy the freedom and excitement of being able to ride his bike for himself. There are many times as we grow up when our parents know what is best even if we don’t always want to admit it. From their years of experience they can see the bigger picture and the steps involved to help us get to where we want to go and they try to help us find the best way possible to get there.

As adults it’s not always easy for us to accept that the Lord knows best for us. We might find it easy to say but when it comes to our actions they don’t always follow our words or our best intentions. We understand that the Lord exhorts us to freely give into the work of his kingdom as in doing so we are released from the fear of lack and will position ourselves as we act in faith to receive his abundant supply. In practise we struggle to let go of our finances and put our faith in our bank accounts or hard work rather than God’s grace and flow in our lives. We know that He will connect us to the right people at the right time and that we can trust him for our future spouse and yet we often take things into our own hands and look to fix things when events don’t follow our time scales. This can at times lead to compromise where we meet people who don’t share our passion and love for the Lord and we find ourselves going down a road that is taking us away from the Father’s best plan for our lives.

You see when Jesus tells us… it is better for you if……listen to him. When the disciples heard these words about him going away it probably made no sense to them at all. How could this be better for them….He was telling them that He would leave them! The problem was they did not know what was up ahead because they did not see the bigger picture. They were living in the here and now and had their eyes fixed on their own circumstances. Jesus was looking at the salvation of the entire world for all eternity. When Jesus calls you to trust him, it is because He can see where He is taking you. He can see the road up ahead. He knows the hurdles you must navigate, the trials you will need to overcome and the strength of character He needs to build in you. What may not look like “ better” in your limited understanding will turn out to be essential when you perceive what He is doing in you.

Today take a step back and look at where you are at. Think about the things that frustrate you, the areas in which you are holding on, the places where you have been trying to trust but inside you feel like you might have a better way. Remember Jesus knows you completely and understands you better than you understand yourself. More importantly He does know what is best for you. He won’t allow you to stumble and fall and He wants to make your paths straight. So let go of all your efforts to be in control and allow him to lead the way!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

