I am the Truth”. John 14: 6:

The word ‘truth’ means something different for everyone. The world continues to present different truths; what’s right and wrong, and how to live our lives. The world will tell you a variety of ways to live your life that are true and right. For the Jews, they understood the true way of living to be found in God. In Yahweh. However, they did not have a full understanding that Jesus was Yahweh in the flesh. Most of the Jews did not accept Jesus. The Pharisees went as far to say he was a blasphemer and in the end their plans to kill him came true. They questioned the truth of his claims about himself, and also about God. Jesus made some huge claims about himself. He steps forward in John 14, and goes one further than simply saying his teachings are truth. He says, “I am the truth”.

Jesus uses the Greek word ‘aletheia’ for truth, which means not simply spoken truth, but reality itself. Objective truth that is sincere. The opposite of illusion. And this word ‘aletheia’ can also be understood as no longer hidden. When Jesus says he is the truth, he means that he himself is absolute reality. He is steadfast, reliable, and he is no longer hidden. Yahweh himself in the flesh has been revealed that you might know him in fullness.

Jesus uses this word for truth on a number of occasions, most notably when he says and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8). It’s simple: when you know Jesus, he will set you free!

Too good to be true?! No chance!!

The problem is, we don’t always partner with truth. At times we can listen to the lies from the enemy and also the lies we tell ourselves. The enemy wants you to continue to question the truth of Jesus, and the truth that he says about you. Like the enemy tries in Matthew 4 when tempting Jesus, he shows us things that sound about right, but they aren’t true. Like the giant Goliath did to the Israelites in 1 Samuel 17, the enemy tries to intimidate us, freezing us from accomplishing what God has for you in your life. When we listen to the voice of the enemy, we start to believe these lies. We tell ourselves things like ‘God has done enough in my life. He can’t bless me again’, ‘why would God come through for me? Look what I did and how I sinned…’

In these moments, we need to align ourselves with what the word says about you. Align yourself with truth. Be grounded in the identity given to you by Christ. Like Jesus and David, be grounded by what God speaks over you, and the truth of Jesus, the living word. They both lived out of that anointing as we see in Matthew 4 and 1 Samuel 17: “Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” (1 Samuel 16) “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3) In one chapter, they are anointed, and then immediately in the next Jesus and David find the enemy coming against them. But here is the truth: When your identity is rooted in your anointing it doesn’t matter what comes next. When you are rooted in what God says about you – opposition becomes opportunity for the work of grace. Close your heart to the lies of the enemy. Align yourself with truth.

Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. John 8 v 34-36

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

