The stone the builders rejected, has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes’ Matthew 21 v 42

Have there been moments in your life when you have been overlooked? Have you had times when people have dismissed you or even treated you with disdain? When we come to Jesus, we can find comfort. He experienced all the emotions we have ever felt and more. In Isaiah it tells us “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” (53:3)

This week we are following Jesus as he went about his last week on the earth. Today we meet him in Jerusalem. The city is buzzing with activity. People are gathering to celebrate the Passover. In Bible times all life was centred around the temple. This building made of stone was to represent heaven on earth, the Lord’ s presence with his people until the Lord himself would come. Everything that they built their lives around, the rituals, the feasts, the ceremonies, the sacrifices, they were all pointing to one day. They were only symbols or shadows of the true reality, this one moment in history when God’s plan from the foundation of the world would finally be revealed. And yet as that day approached, the religious leaders, those who were supposed to uphold God’s way to his people did not simply dismiss Jesus, but they outright rejected him.

The very one who had created them and given them life was discredited and renounced by His own people. They refused to see the truth because their hearts had grown cold. They put their faith in their efforts, their rule keeping, their sacrifices. Pride had blinded their eyes to the King who stood before them. They despised his lowly attire but what they did not realise is true power has nothing to prove. Many people in our worlds have dismissed God. They have believed the lie that their performance will produce the life they long for. They have placed their hope in their attainments, their wealth, social standing, education, reputation and popularity. They may have looked at you and mocked your beliefs and belittled your faith. You may have felt inadequate around them? You might have felt like you had nothing to offer or how you can compare?

Today find hope in the fact that the man who was rejected became the cornerstone. In order for us to truly understand how powerful this is we need to understand the term “cornerstone.” It held the two rows of stones together in a corner or stabilized the stones at the foundation. So, what does that mean for us today? Jesus is our corner stone. He connects us with his Father.

Charles Spurgeon put it like this: “Now he is the bond of the building, holding Jew and Gentile in firm unity. This precious cornerstone binds God and man together in wondrous amity, for he is both in one. He joins earth and heaven together, for he participates in each. He joins time and eternity together, for he was a man of few years, and yet he is the Ancient of Days. Wondrous cornerstone!”

How awesome to know you are held secure and connected forever with the creator of life who will never let you go!

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Easter Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2021

