When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled”. John 11 v 32-33

Yesterday we saw how Martha despite her grief and confusion still held out some faith that Jesus could restore her brother in the resurrection on the last day. Mary’s response is different to her sisters. There appears to be no faith here in fact. She just falls at His feet. She is not running to Jesus believing that now he is here things will finally turn around. She runs to him defeated, distressed, helpless and hopeless.

Let us look at Jesus' response to Mary. Do you notice what He did here?

Mary had nothing but disappointment. Jesus did not chastise her for her lack of faith, He did not tell her off for not believing in His word, He did not lecture her on where she should be doing better. He did not point the finger. Jesus meets Mary where she is at and he demonstrates his love and care for her. Her heart is broken because of the loss of her brother and as Jesus sees her in this pain and suffering, he weeps with her. He reveals to Mary that what she feels matters. He acknowledges that the sorrow she is experiencing is real. We know that He will speak the word and reveal his power and glory. Mary will see him transform this mourning into dancing, He will prove to her that the facts that she is facing are on not the final word over Lazarus’ life, but right at this moment He meets her in her anguish, he comes down to the level of her grief and heartache and leads her away from despair and into life.

That is what Jesus is like for us today. He is not distant and emotionless. He comes and meets you where you are. In your hurt, pain, and confusion. With all your questions, doubts, and fears. He wants to bring light into those dark places in your heart where you feel scared and alone. He is full of love for you. He is moved by what is going on with you right now. He knows, He understands, and He does not judge you. When we are at our absolute weakest and lowest point in life religion will tell us that we have failed, that we are not as good as what we ought to be, that we should not be struggling at this stage of our lives. We hear lies that things will never change, that we are not as loved as someone else, but the truth is that when we feel lost and weak and at the end of ourselves, we are in the best place to receive from the Lord.

You might feel like the only thing you know to do is fall at the feet of Jesus. That is a place where His grace can truly flow to you. Empty of yourself, your effort, when there is nothing left to try. Look how that turned out for Mary. One day she is falling at his feet in despair and not long after she is bowing at his feet in adoration as she recognises she is in the presence of the King of all Kings. Whenever you throw yourself at Jesus' feet, know that you will not remain on the ground looking at the dirt. As you humble yourself and trust in his life-giving power you will experience Him as your living hope. He will lift you up and set your feet upon a rock, he will restore your dreams and give you a future. He will reveal his glory in your life.

Please remember to share this daily devotion with your friends, and if anyone wants to receive ‘Grace for Today’ directly then please just sign up via our website at www.exchangechurchbelfast.com

Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

