Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see”! John 9 v 25

Are there times when you shrink back and don’t speak up for what you know is right because you are afraid of the consequences? The Lord wants to set you free from the fear of man and the subtle intimidation and control the enemy wants to use over you. Too many people allow fear to over-power them.

In today’s story we see the abuse of power by the religious leaders of the day. When the news of the healing of the man born blind reaches them, they question the man and his family. It is interesting to see that they are not rejoicing in the fact that a miracle has taken place. This man, whose life had once been in darkness, has now been completely transformed, he is literally walking in the light. Yet the religious leaders are angered by his claims and they threaten his parents with expulsion from the temple. The parents are so afraid they take no responsibility for their son's actions saying he is of age ask him yourself.

Take a minute to think about how crazy this is. If your son had been healed of blindness would you not be out in the streets telling everyone the good news? Yet so great was the intimidation from the leaders that they feared for their own position in society. You see, to be excluded by the authorities was a terrible thing. You would be cut off from relationship, connections with others. But greater than that was being made to feel that God himself would not accept you. It is easy for us to read this story and feel indignant towards the parents. Who in their right mind would allow this manipulation and control? And yet, many Christians are living in bondage over a fear of rejection. It is such a powerful force. We are all born with a need to feel safe, to feel that we belong. This is the way that the Lord has made, but the only place where we will find real safety and security is in the arms of Jesus. Too many people allow the fear of man to rob them from true protection. If you believe you are being protected by keeping an allegiance to someone outside of the Lord, it will always come with a price.

Each time we compromise we give up part of who we truly are. We allow ourselves to be held in bondage and sacrifice who God has truly called us to be. Don’t give in to fear. Don’t give in to control. God has created you for freedom, for life and for truth. It takes courage to stand up and be strong. To say what you truly think and to hold fast to what you know God is leading you into.

So, don’t operate with others in the darkness. Resist when others speak behind peoples backs, don’t just go along with the crowd, not honouring and loving the way you are called to. Don’t be like the parents, more concerned with being in with the right people than celebrating the incredible miracle that had transformed their son’s life. Contrast their attempts to dodge the question with the simple forthright and straightforward response from the son himself: “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see”! John 9 v 25

He was not concerned with what people thought of him or what they might do to him. His encounter with Jesus had set him free from fear and intimidation. He was able to see things as they truly were.

When you walk with Jesus you will walk in the light. You will find freedom and life.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

