I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10 v 27-30

VUCA is an acronym first used by the American military but now adopted in the business world to describe the times that we are living in. Its letters stand for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. People have given up trying to predict and plan for what life will look like in 5 years’ time because the reality is, we just don’t know. The pace of change is so rapid and the situations so complicated that traditional approaches are no longer adequate. Whether this time is unique or not I believe every generation has faced challenges and demands that have left them feeling helpless and overwhelmed. When Jesus walked the earth, his people, the Jews were looking for freedom from Roman oppression, they were looking for a Saviour who would rescue them and protect them from their enemies. They were expecting God to send someone to bring a change to the worldly system that was persecuting them. They had not anticipated the message that Jesus brought. He was going to show them that life with God was way beyond the physical realm that they were living in. They were part of an eternal destiny of which he was their everlasting King.

How many people in your world need to hear this today? Jesus is the saviour they are looking for… that this life is a mere drop in the ocean compared to the future promise we have laid up for us. So many people are trying to hold on, where nothing feels secure or certain, they are clutching at straws, trying to find a sense of peace and security. They put their trust in governments, political strategies, economic institutions, and the media. As believers we do not need to worry about these things. You are so important to the Father. He is holding you. There are so many times when everything in life feels shaky and uncertain. When we feel like we are falling but we need to remind ourselves of the truth. No matter how we might feel we are secure. We have hope. We have eternal safety. This is the reality, not based on our emotions but based on the word.

We need a revelation of this on a daily basis. No earthly plan, scheme of the enemy, economic downturn or deadly disease can come against the work of the Father in your life. You are safe today; you have nothing to fear. Jesus the great I AM, who was forever and forevermore will be, is with you today. Listen to his voice and allow him to lead you to the right place at the right time. He will get you to those wide-open spaces, He will open the doors for your promotion. He will be one step ahead of you protecting you from all danger. He will never abandon you, leave you or forsake you. Remember the words of your good Shepherd: He calls you his own and He knows you by name.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

