The woman then left her water-pot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Then they went out of the city and came to Him”. John 4 : 28-30

For most of us the thought of someone knowing everything we’ve ever done would feel quite intimidating.

We all have moments that we are not proud of and times we would rather forget. We like to give others a good impression of ourselves because we are afraid that if they saw the real us they might find something they don’t like and in turn we will be rejected. The lady at the well didn’t have the luxury of putting on a facade to the outside world. Her scandal was well known by all. Married five times and the man that she is living with now is not her husband. That is why she comes at the hottest time in the day, avoiding the possibilities of being shunned by the other women.

So, what it is that turned this lady’s life around and brought her out from the shadows and onto centre stage in her community.

She encountered …. Jesus. She found acceptance, she found love and forgiveness. She was no longer being judged for her behaviour; she was seen for who she really was…made in the image of God. Jesus gave her dignity, he gave her hope. He didn’t ignore her past or the pain and suffering she had endured but he came to show her a way out. A new way to live. A life that was no longer ruled by monotonous daily chores in order to survive. He had come to quench the deepest thirst within her that longed to be known, to be loved, to belong. I love the fact that this divine appointment with Jesus caused her to leave the water pot behind. The need to satisfy her physical thirst was no longer pressing. She had found the true source of life who offered her living water. Her external situation had not changed but internally she had come alive. Her life was transformed by grace and she was never the same again.

Today Jesus comes and meets us where we are at, in our frustration, disappointment, confusion and distress. He does not come to condemn us as He has been condemned for us. He comes to shine the light of his love into every area of our lives in order that we can live free from guilt and shame. “It is for freedom Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1

Jesus wants you to experience that freedom so that you can run carefree like this Samaritan woman. You can proclaim to all those that had once mocked or judged you that you are truly known, truly loved and have found true peace on the inside. As you meet Jesus today let his grace transform every part of your life. Don’t feel like you have to hide, there is no more rejection towards you, His thoughts towards you are to prosper you and give you a future. As you find your life in Him you will never be the same again.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

