Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Psalm 118: 25, 26. John 12:12

My youngest daughter loves jigsaw puzzles and from no age has shown amazing patience and determination to complete the task where the rest of us would give up after 10 minutes. I have to admit though that there is something very satisfying about seeing all the pieces fall into place and the big picture finally coming together. This is how I have found my journey in the book of John as we read today about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. All of the details echo moments throughout the old testament scriptures and come to an incredible climax as we enter Jesus’ final week on earth before his death on the cross. It’s as if Jesus was uncovering all the clues that had laid hidden for years and was unveiling all the signs that pointed to his true identity. Jesus arrives in Jerusalem at the start of the week leading up to the Passover. He enters to shouts and cheers of adoration from the crowds. They echo the words of the psalms declaring “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” They sing Hosanna, which means “save now.” Palm branches are laid at his feet which were ancient symbols of victory and Jesus comes in riding on a donkey, fulfilling the words of the prophet Zechariah : “See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a don-key, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9

Do you see all the pieces of the puzzle coming together before their eyes?

Even the route He takes across the Kidron valley mirrors the path first taken by Solomon as He enters Jerusalem on a donkey to become the King. The Jews see all of this and believe that here is the Messiah, the new king who has come to deliver them. There is excitement and anticipation as they believe that He has come to take the city by force and re-establish the Davidic Kingdom. They cannot see his true mission. They have not joined the pieces correctly because they cannot see the actual destination the Messiah is walking towards. They can’t see the clues properly because they are looking for the wrong thing. He is riding a donkey not a warhorse.

Take a moment now and meditate on the significance of his timing.

The Jews were gathering to remember their liberation from slavery. They would celebrate by slaying a lamb, this represented the Passover lamb whose blood was smeared over their door posts to protect them from the angel of death. Can you see the imagery the Lord is using? Jesus is our Passover lamb. The lamb the Israelites had slain was only a shadow of their true redeemer. As Jesus enters Jerusalem He is effectively walking towards his own death. He is going to lay down his life and his blood will save people from ultimate death and bring them into true life, eternal life with their heavenly father.

Every-day as you feed on the word you can see HIS STORY unfolding before you as Jesus, by his Spirit illuminates and reveals to you the incredible plan that was laid out from the foundation of the earth. Today you can have assurance that there is nothing that can overcome you in this world as your Lord has already made the way for your deliverance. He chose to embrace death. He chose to give up his life. He chose to lay aside his powers, to be humbled and empty himself so that you can walk in freedom from oppression and bondage. The Jews walked out of Egypt but then went on a long journey towards the promised land. We are now living in that land of blessing, abundance, favour and most importantly right standing with the Father because the King of all Kings, has paid the price for us and is now seated on his heavenly throne.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020


