Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4

Have you ever thought about how much of your daily routine is occupied with food? Whether it is buying, preparing, eating or clearing it up - it’s a huge part of our lives. That is why Jesus chose feeding and reveals himself as the bread of Life. He wants us to make the connection to this most basic need and to take his word as seriously as we take our stomachs. We read at the start of John that Jesus is the Word, that means that every word He speaks is food to us. As we feed on His words it is bread to our bodies. We are fed within. So, let me ask you this question - How well are you nourishing yourself?

It doesn’t take very long to recognise that the world is full of negativity. There are some very disturbing messages that are being pushed through the media with a subtle agenda to allow things to creep in as normal. It’s time we ask ourselves the question: What are we feeding on? What are we allowing our kids to feed on? At times we feel like we are going against the tide, but we are the authority in the home. God has given us this responsibility and he will help us to take that stand. Let’s think about what we are feeding on. Let’s challenge ourselves…is this building me up, is this encouraging me?

If you are feeling tired and weary the Word will bring you life. As we feed on Jesus: our bread of life, we are transformed. As we eat his flesh and drink his blood acknowledging his death and resurrection, we come alive. We give testimony to the fact that, “we have been crucified with Christ and that we no longer live but that he lives in us.” (Galatians 2;20) This is where true life flows from. Studies in brain science have proved that there is incredible activity in the brain when people read scripture. Remember the word tells us “we have the mind of Christ.” When we read the Word, His life is being released through us. Think on this: your creativity is released, your sense of joy is released, your intellect expands, your ability to reason, your emotions, everything that the world is looking for.

There is so much talk in society right now about a mental health crisis and although there are many techniques to help people manage their behaviour, and develop coping strategies, the world has no answers to the pain in the human heart. They don’t know how to treat the mind in order to bring freedom. We have the answer, Jesus will nourish us, sustain us, strengthen us and empower us. Let’s not just check in with the Lord in the mornings and then remember him before we put our heads to the pillow. Every time your stomach rumbles, every time you think about your lunch or what’s for tea, remember He is your true-life source.

Throughout the day chew on his word. While you’re in the car, pray to him. At every possible moment let your thoughts be surrounded by him. Pray in the spirit and build yourself up in your holy faith. Allow time to feed on him let him be your sustenance.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

