I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6: 35

Have you ever thought about why God designed us with this basic need for sustenance?

It is essential for us to survive in life and to be able to grow and flourish. We need food! It’s not just a monthly or weekly need it’s a daily need, although in our house it feels more like an hourly need. We can’t switch it off, we can’t ignore it, it never goes away. Our need for physical food should actually serve as a picture and constant reminder of our need for spiritual food. Just like our bodies cannot survive without food, we cannot, and were not, designed to survive without Jesus.

We all know when our bodies feel weak in the natural. When we have skipped regular meals or have chosen to go without food or are simply eating the wrong things. We can’t function properly - we are not running on 100%. We grow weak, tired, lethargic. We are distracted and we can’t think straight. We make poor decisions, we get irritable. We understand that we cannot live without food. It is not the way that we have been designed, it just won’t work.

How many people are living without the right spiritual food? How many people are weak in their ability to make decisions, how many are distracted, how many are not functioning to their full potential. How many are confused or feeding on things that are causing themselves and those around them harm and pain? You were created to feed on Jesus. You were created to live with a daily need for him to nourish you. You were created to draw strength through fellowship and communion with your maker. You were designed to come to Jesus everyday to receive. He is our supply.

Jesus revealed himself as the bread of life just after he had fed the 5,000.

I love the way in which he demonstrates his glory and showed the disciples that every need we have he will meet with an abundant supply. Jesus looks at the crowd and ask his disciples a question: how are we going to feed all these people? Now, was he actually expecting them to come up with a solution themselves? No. He was setting them up. He was asking them to expand their minds he was testing them to push them past their natural limitations. He was inviting them to think from a heavenly perspective. They looked and they were overwhelmed. They saw the issue and the impossibility.

Jesus looked from a heavenly perspective - he saw the potential and the opportunity. He saw the supply.

What questions is Jesus asking you today? What impossibility is he asking you to face? Where is he calling you to step back and look again? I believe everyday Jesus is inviting us to go on a journey with him, to start to believe that He will find a way through. Can we allow ourselves to dream with the Lord and imagine new and exciting outcomes?

Can we take what it is in our hands and expect it to be multiplied beyond anything we can imagine? When we feed on Jesus and allow his word to nourish us, we will begin to see life from his perspective. His faith will rise in us and we will believe in his ability to do the impossible through us and transform our worlds with his grace. Allow his word to sink into your heart today and see how his heavenly supply will flow into your life.

Please remember to share this daily devotion with your friends, and if anyone wants to receive ‘Grace for Today’ directly then please just sign up via our website at www.exchangechurchbelfast.com

Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

