“Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God’” Matthew 16:16

Are you someone who frequently loses things? I have to say that one of the most frustrating things I find about being a Mum is being expected to know where keys, papers, P.E kits or homework are, when the things are often staring everyone in the face. “ They can’t see for looking! “ As the expression goes!

This was the case for many people in Jesus day, however, it was a spiritual blindness with which they were afflicted. Although Jesus lived among them and brought life and light wherever He went there were some who could not see Him for who He really was. They kept asking for a sign. Why was this? I believe their version of what the messiah should look like was not matching up with who they saw before them. They were expecting a warrior King to deliver Israel and free their nation from oppression. They wanted an influential leader not a man who associated with outcasts and the poor. Rather than challenge their own thinking and ask themselves if they had got it wrong they reject Jesus.

I find it hard to comprehend how anyone who came into contact with Jesus could not recognise him as the Messiah, the Son of God. But then I realise that in my own life there are many times that I say Jesus is Lord but my actions don’t follow. In my heart I want to surrender to Jesus but I find myself making choices that are not consistent with the Spirit empowered life He has given me.

This is why I find so much encouragement from today’s verse, if we are familiar at all with the bible we will be aware that Peter is quite a character. In his walk with Jesus we see many moments of great faith such as stepping out of the boat and walking on water and then times of complete failure when he denies Jesus 3 times the night before his death. However, Peter’s actions do not change the Lord’s love for him and commitment to the plans He has for his life.

It is at the point when Peter gets the revelation of who Jesus really is that he begins the journey of discovering his true identity as a disciple of Christ. Jesus calls out who He has made Peter to be and who He will become. He speaks the language of faith and declares how Peter will be used to advance his kingdom and announces the power and authority in which he will operate. Even though Jesus is aware of the bumps ahead and the mistakes that Peter will make, He still proclaims and foretells of the the commission for which Peter has been ordained.

I love this. Jesus is no respecter of persons.

Today if you have had a revelation of Jesus as Messiah, know that right now He is revealing to you who YOU truly are. He is painting a picture of how he sees you. He is giving you a new name. He calls you blessed, beloved, precious and significant. He has a calling on your life and a destiny for you to step into. Don’t worry about messing up like Peter did, know that His grace is bigger than any of your shortcomings and as you grow in your knowledge and experience of Him as Messiah His fruit will grow in you and people will know that you are a follower of the Messiah, the son of the living God!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

