For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” John 3 V 17

Many people today are believing a lie about God.

They picture him angry and full of wrath towards a sinful world. They think that He is watching over everyone with a frown on His face - waiting in anticipation for us to do something wrong, so that He can punish us. In Bible times the leaders of Israel were anticipating a God who would pour out judgement on the Romans. They were expecting a Messiah who would overthrow their oppressors and blast the whole Gentile world with fiery wrath from heaven. They were hoping for the political economy to be restored to the chosen people. Imagine their indignation when Jesus completely rejects this notion that he had come to execute any such judgment upon the Gentiles, saying “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world.”

The Jews of Jesus’ day, and many people now, still completely misunderstand the heart of the Lord to save his creation. God is a loving Father who longs to rescue his children from destruction. He does not want to see anyone condemned. Yet his love is so powerful that he gives every individual the dignity to choose. He will never force anyone to accept his offer of salvation. It’s hard for us to fully comprehend the lengths that the Father went to in order to buy us back. The only thing I can begin to compare it to are my experiences as a parent. I know I can’t bear to see my children suffer and I would do anything to prevent them from having to go through painful events. I remember a time when one of my children was being bullied at school. It was heart breaking to have to let them go to school every morning not knowing if they would suffer another day of rejection, intimidation and mocking.

How much more was the turmoil endured by our heavenly Father who had to see His son suffer physical torture, mental anguish and spiritual isolation when He was separated from His Father, all to bring back a rebellious people. Remember it was “while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” We have nothing to offer, nothing that would make us worthy to receive his love and forgiveness. In fact, it was in our ugly rebellion that this supreme act of love takes place. This is the expression of God’s incredible love for us today. He allowed the punishment for our sin to be poured out on His beloved son.

Christ was not sent into the world to judge it but to save it. God is not angry or distant to-day. He is intimately concerned with the affairs of your life. Do you know why? He gave up his most precious son for your freedom. He has proved his love to you. It has always been the heart of the Father to redeem you from death and all of its consequences and to bring you into fullness of life that his Son purchased on the cross with his own blood.

So today you don’t have to live with the weight of condemnation, but you have been set free to enjoy a life of acceptance, love and completeness in Him.

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

