Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim”. John 2 v 6-7

How often do we go through life worrying about whether we will have enough? There are times when we feel like there are so many demands on us that it becomes completely overwhelming.

Will I have enough money? Will I have enough time?

Will I have the skills, experience, knowledge required for the task?

Will I be enough?

Jesus is aware of all our fears and the things that make us feel inadequate. That is why He wants us to come to Him and receive. We aren’t meant to be enough in of ourselves. Only in Him will we find the ability to thrive in life. He has come to meet every demand we face. If you feel like you are running on empty today, turn to Jesus. He is your supply.

In the passage above we are at the wedding in Cana. Here the host had run out of wine. I love Jesus’ reaction and the many levels on which we can learn from this miracle. On the surface we see how Jesus saves a family’s reputation and dignity and produces wine from water. Not any kind of wine, but the best possible wine as the Lord demonstrates He reigns over time and space, bringing forth wine that is aged and of the highest quality. Wine is also a symbol of celebration, so Jesus demonstrates that where He is there is life and joy. The final significance of the wine is found at the last supper when Jesus took the cup and told the disciples it represented His blood that would be poured out for all mankind on the cross.

There is such much we can draw out of this story. Notice also where the water comes from: Six stone jars that were used for ceremonial cleaning. Here we see that the law, with all its strict rules and regulations could never deal with the issue of sin, it was only a temporary solution. The water could never make man clean, but Jesus takes this water and turns it to wine, representing His blood. He would make the ultimate sacrifice that would bring an end to the rituals and efforts of man to be acceptable before God.

What I love about the scriptures is that every detail is significant. Nothing is there by chance.

Remember there were 6 stone jars. In Hebrew, each number has a meaning. In the Bible, the number 6 symbolizes man and human weakness, the evils of Satan and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on the sixth day. Men are appointed 6 days to labour. A Hebrew slave was to serve six years and be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. All this represents man’s work and effort. Finally look at what the jars were made from, stone. We know that the law was written on tablets of stone. So, what does all this show us? The Lord takes all of man’s self- effort, striving, work and attempts to make himself clean by keeping the law and He demonstrates that only His perfect sacrifice can bring life.

Today know that He wants you to give up trying to do the work and to stop and rest in his finished work. When you do this, you will enter into a life of fullness where you can experience his presence and in this place, there will be joy and celebration!

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Who Do You Say I Am Series – Exchange Church Belfast 2020

