Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” – Acts 3:6

In the previous reading, we saw how you can take authority over your situation by standing on the Word of God. Join me in reading this wonderful report that Gisele from Texas shared with me that demonstrates how this works:

My husband had surgery for hiatal hernia. It was a simple procedure where a piece of mesh was inserted into the affected area and he was able to return home the same day. However, he became increasingly unwell after he got home. He was feeling very bloated, had a lot of pain, and was running a fever. He was admitted back to the hospital and we spent the next week there.

It turned out that a bowel obstruction was causing all his problems. Another surgery was planned. Honestly, we felt very discouraged and defeated at that point. Then, I remembered learning a few weeks earlier from Joseph Prince about how Christians should take charge and command symptoms to go using the Word of God. I told my husband about it and we prayed, speaking God’s Word. I also commanded the bowel obstruction to be gone in Jesus’ name.

Later that night, my husband went for a series of abdominal tests. These were tests that the hospital had been conducting twice daily since his admission to benchmark his progress. The next morning, when the tests were being done again, my husband started feeling great and announced that he was going home.

The doctor was thrilled with his huge turnaround and told us that the blockage, which had been detected in all the other tests done previously, was not found in the last two tests. So my husband was discharged and we went home. Praise the Lord for His protection and healing!

All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. I love how Gisele did not take flight or freeze when she came under attack, even though as a couple they felt discouraged when they heard the doctors report. She quickly put into practice what she had heard me teach about exercising our authority through using the Word. She and her husband prayed, speaking God’s Word over his body, and she commanded the negative symptoms to go in Jesus’ name, as the apostle Peter did in today's Scripture from the book of Acts.

That, my friend, is how we go on the offensive against the enemy today.

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that no matter what negative report is roaring at me, I can pray according to Your Word and wield the sword of the Spirit to see victory. Thank You that I can always take my place of authority in Christ by declaring Your Word of healing and protection over my life and my family’s. Amen.

Today's Thought

No matter what negative report is roaring at me, I take my place of authority in Christ and choose to speak forth God's Word to experience victory.

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times.
