“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?” - Jeremiah 32:27

Here is another praise report that I want to share with you. Tracy, who lives in Alaska, shared this powerful testimony of how the Lord delivered her brother from a serious disease that almost took his life:

A few months ago, my brother, Shane, contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome (a serious autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system attacks the nervous system) in Laos. He was refused treatment by several hospitals in Laos and Thailand. They said he was far too advanced in the disease and there was nothing they could do for him. He was finally able to receive treatment in a government hospital in Udon Thani, Thailand. But while there, he developed further complications and contracted three streams of pneumonia and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

I flew all the way from the United States to Udan Thani and when I saw Shane, he looked like a man hours from death, almost completely paralysed and hooked only to a ventilator. He could only move his lips and head a bit.

I quickly pronounced God's protection and provision, and called upon the grace and mercy of God to deliver us. Within 28 hours of my arrival, Shane was transported via aircraft to a private hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. He was admitted directly to the intensive care unit (ICU) where, after the first day, he was able to move his arms.

His condition improved so quickly all the doctors and hospital staff were in shock and awe. I told them that the miracle was from God. Even my sister-in-law, who is a non-believer, saw what God was doing and wanted to know this Jesus. In fact, she gave her heart to the Lord in the hospital! She had learned so much about the love of God during that time that even her family members began asking, “who is this Jesus?”

On the sixth day after his admission, Shane was moved from the ICU to a private room and his condition continued to improve. It wasn't easy as he had severe pain and sleepless nights, but God was there every step of the way. Throughout the day, I would lay hands on him and pray over his body. Folks back home in the United States were also praying continually.

This was war - a battle like I never imagined. I rarely left the hospital room and I prayed continually. Every morning, Shane and I would talk about the Lord and what he was teaching us. I also read Shane bits of Joseph Prince's book, Unmerited Favour, and encouraged myself in the Lord through the Word and through Joseph’s book.

Joseph's book was a source of strength. Prior to Shane’s illness, I had been devouring Joseph's daily broadcasts and literature. I learned so much during that season and it prepared me for this battle. Through the healing process of my brother, I learned to lean on God and to know that He is good and always delivers. Healing is always available to us - sometimes instant, sometimes a process, but always available through the broken body and blood of Jesus.

Even though the typical recuperation time for this syndrome is between six months and three years, Shane was already walking one month later. Four months later, he was able to drive and to lift nearly 300 pounds of weight. Six months later, he went back to work full-time and was also completely delivered from depression, something he had been dealing with for a long time.

Thank you for staying true to the message of grace. It's all about Jesus and His completed work on the cross. Hallelujah!

Praise the Lord! Truly, we do not have to be afraid of diseases that even doctors do not know how to deal with, or as Psalm 91 describes, “ the pestilence that walks in darkness.” The disease was “too advanced” for Shane’s doctors, but it was not too advanced for the Lord who delivered him! He will do the same for you.

Today's Prayer

Father, there is no other God like You. Nothing is too hard for You and no disease or condition is too advanced for Your deliverance. Thank You for the broken body and blood of Jesus that completely heals and delivers me. I believe that You are with me every step of the way through every season of my life. Amen.

Today Thought

Because of Jesus and His finished work on the cross, there is nothing that is too hard or too advanced for the Lord to deliver me from.

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times.
