Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. - Hebrews 4:16

Beloved, when we are willing to have the Lord Jesus protect us and our family, and we take time daily to let Him know we are putting our trust in Him, we receive His abundant mercies for needs that transcend our understanding. I received a praise report from Victoria who lives in California that vividly illustrates how the Lord protects us when we simply come boldly to His throne of grace and humbly consent to be protected by Him. This is what Victoria shared with me:

Sometime ago, I was replaying your on-demand Web broadcast. At the end of the message, you said you would pray for our protection. I quickly put the message on pause and called my 17 year old daughter to come and receive the prayer and blessing with me.

During the prayer, you prayed that we would not die in our sleep. Though we did not have that fear, we received the prayer gladly anyway.

The next morning, when I woke up, I felt really ill, to the point I didn't think I could go to work. When I went to wake my daughter to go to school, she was also unwell, complaining of the same symptoms I was experiencing. Sensing something amiss, we both went to the ER and found out that we had carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty heater!

We know and have heard reports of how people who were exposed to carbon monoxide while asleep usually died in their sleep. We believe we were saved because of the prayer you prayed over us and our receiving it. God heard and answered. He woke us up just in time so we could be saved. We give Jesus all the glory!

What a powerful testimony of a believer who takes every opportunity to come to the throne of grace and gladly consent to come under the Lord’s wings of protection! I pray you'll be encouraged to do the same every day.

Today's Prayer

Father in heaven, thank You that I can simply come boldly to Your throne of grace and consent to be protected by You. I believe that as I put my trust in You, I will receive Your abundant mercies and find the grace to help in time of any need I may have. Amen.

Today Thought

I come boldly to God’s throne of grace today and take shelter in His presence and love.

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times.
