And she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz. - Ruth 2:3

In the previous reading, we looked at the first time the word ‘qarah’ is used in the Bible. Another time ‘qarah’ appears is in the above passage. I like how the King James Version puts it: “and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz”. The Hebrew word for ‘to come to’ and ‘to light on’ here is ‘qarah’. And the Hebrew word for ‘happened’ and ‘hap’ here is ‘miqreh’, which comes from the word ‘qarah’. Incidentally, the word happy comes from the old English word ‘hap’, which is why when happenings happen the way you want them to happen, you are happy!

I don’t know how many times I have heard testimonies from people who happened to meet an old friend in need and were able to minister to the friend, or who happened to have been delayed or who happened to change their original plans and, because of that, were protected from danger. My friend, none of those things happened by accident or coincidence. It was the Lord giving them ‘eth’ and ‘qarah’—putting them at the right place at the right time!

This is reflected in a praise report from Sandy, who lives in Singapore.

Before I drive, I always make it a point to pray for protection. On March 31, I prayed as usual before I started driving toward the city.

I got stuck in heavy traffic and the cars were inching forward toward a major traffic junction. Like many motorists, I got impatient and was disappointed when the traffic light turned red just as I was approaching the junction. Then, I heard a strange sound of something cracking, and I was shocked as a huge old tree fell and hit the roof of the car right in front of me, creating a huge dent in its roof and shattering the rear windscreen.

By God’s grace, the driver of the car emerged unscathed. Needless to say, I was very grateful to God when I realized that He had placed me at the right place at the right time so that I wasn’t hurt.

I am very thankful to Jesus for His divine protection. Without His wings of protection over me, I may not even be alive today. Thank You, Jesus!

Even with something as mundane as driving on the road, which many of us do every day, we need to make it a point to pray for the Lord’s protection. Let’s not put our trust in our daily routines, our skills, or our limited ability to foresee danger. Our trust must be in the Lord’s protection.

Today's Prayer

Abba, Father, help me to honour You and recognise Your hand at work whenever I experience deliverance from danger. As I go about the mundane routine activities of my life, I ask You for patience, wisdom, and guidance. I believe that You will always place me at the right place at the right time to protect me and keep me safe. Amen.

Today's Thought

The God of right-place, right-time happenings watches over my life. He gives me ‘eth’ and ‘qarah’, putting me at the right place at the right time to protect and bless me!

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times.
